Metasens in mass media

2016 March. Lithuanian news portal published with Metasens team member, Gražvydas Lukinavičius:

2016 February. A series on the lithuanian TV program „kuriame ateičiai“ („creating for the future“):

2015 October. A series on the lithuanian TV program „Mokslo ekspresas“ („Express of science“):

2015 October and 2014 October. Excursions during the lithuanian science festival „Erdvėlaivis žemė“ („Spaceship Earth“).

2014 September. Article in a local journal „Mokslas ir technika“ („Science and technology“), 2015/5 18-21p


2016 April 11-13 meeting between group leaders at EPFL to finalize project report.

2016 March 16-23 joint experiments at EPFL with HTS (high throuput screening), FRET and superresolution fluorescence microscopy systems.

2015 March 23-26 meeting between group leaders at EPFL to discuss the project status.

2015m March 3-4 Midterm event of the Lithuanian Swiss colloboration programme in Vilnius.

2014 June 16-17 Swiss group member visited CPST and learned chip handling protocols.

2013 April 16-19 Project kick off meeting in Lausanne.

Presentations and invited talks

2013 November, “Breakthroughs in Sensor Technology” (Stokholm, Sweden).

2014 May, „Nanotechnology; Research and Development“ (Vilnius, Lithuania).

2014 May,  1st Lithuanian Biophysics conference (Kaunas, Lithuania).

2014 June, “NanoBio Europe” (Muenster, Germany).

2014 June, Seminar on Potential of Scientific Cooperation between Lithuania and Japan (Lithuanian embassy in Japan).

2014 June, 13th Lithuanian Biochemistry Conference (Birštonas, Lithuania).

2014 November, Biopatterning techniques in tissue engineering, Gliwice Science Meeting (Gliwice, Poland).

2015 June, NCCR Chemical Biology Annual Retreat (Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland).

2015 June, 41st Lithuanian National Physics Conference (Vilnius, Lithuania).

2015 July, 10th European Biophysics congress (Dresden, Germany).

2015 August, 4th Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy Symposium, King’s college (London, UK).

2015m October, EMBO/EMBL simposium “Imaging the Processes of Life”, (Heidelberg, Germany).

2015m October “Biotechnology in Lithuania: 40 years of science and business partnership“, (Vilnius, Lithuania).


1. Lipid dip-pen nanolithography on self-assembled monolayers. Martynas Gavutis, Vytautas Navikas, Tomas Rakickas, Šarūnas Vaitekonis and Ramūnas Valiokas 2016 J. Micromech. Microeng. 26 025016 doi:10.1088/0960-1317/26/2/025016

2. A General Strategy for the Semisynthesis of Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensor Proteins with Increased Dynamic Range. Lin Xue, Efthymia Prifti, and Kai Johnsson. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Manuscript accepted.

3. High-Speed Dip-Pen Nanolithography by Lipid-Mediated Self-Assembly of Alkylthiolates on Gold. Vytautas Navikas, Martynas Gavutis, Tomas Rakickas, Ramūnas Valiokas. Manuscript in preparation